The side airbag cannot be disassembled from the seat back assembly,
so replace assembly when replacing the side airbag.
1. |
Disconnect the battery negative cable and wait for at least thirty
seconds before beginning work.
2. |
Remove the front seat assembly.
(Refer to Body - "Front seat assembly")
3. |
Remove the seat back assembly.
(Refer to Body - "Front seat frame assembly")
1. Front door inside handle cap
2. Front door pull handle cap
3. Front door trim
4. Front door panel
5. Front door side impact pad
6. Front door quadrant inner cover
7 ...
Function Of Safety Power Window
When all door (Front, Rear) power window auto-up switch is operated, safety
function is activated.
Safety function condition
Power Mosfet Replacement
Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal.
Disconnect the power mosfet connector (A) and then remove the
power mosfet (B) after lo ...