1. |
Connect an R-134a refrigerant
Recovery/Recycling/Charging System (A) to the low-pressure service
port (B) and the high-pressure service port (C) as shown, following
the equipment manufacturer's instructions.
2. |
Measure the amount of refrigerant oil removed from the A/C system
after the recovery process is completed. Be sure to install the same
amount of new refrigerant oil back into the A/C system before charging.
1. |
When an A/C System has been opened to the atmosphere, such as
during installation or repair, it must be evacuated using an R-134a
refrigerant Recovery/Recycling/Charging System. (If the system has been
open for several days, the receiver/dryer should be replaced, and the
system should be evacuated for several hours.)
2. |
Connect an R-134a refrigerant Recovery/Recycling/Charging System
(A) to the high-pressure service port (B) and the low-pressure service
port (C) as shown, following the equipment manufacturer's instructions.
3. |
If the low-pressure does not reach more than 93.3 kPa (700 mmHg,
27.6 in.Hg) in 10 minutes, there is probably a leak in the system. Partially
charge the system, and check for leaks (see Refrigerent Leak Test.).
4. |
Remove the low pressure valve from the low-pressure service port.
1. |
Connect an R-134a refrigerant
Recovery/Recycling/Charging System (A) to the high-pressure service
port (B) as shown, following the equipment manufacturer's instructions.
2. |
Add the same amount of new refrigerant oil to the system that
was removed during recovery. Use only specified refrigerant oil. Charge
the system with 530 ± 25g of R-134a refrigerant. Do not overcharge the
system the compressor will be damaged.
In order to use the leak detector properly, read the manual supplied
by the manufacturer.
1. |
Check the torque on the connection fittings and, if too loose,
tighten to the proper torque. Check for gas leakage with a leak detector
2. |
If leakage continues even after the fitting has been tightened,
discharge the refrigerant from the system, disconnect the fittings,
and check their seating faces for damage. Always replace, even if the
damage is slight.
3. |
Check the compressor oil and add oil if required.
4. |
Charge the system and recheck for gas leaks. If no leaks are found,
evacuate and charge the system again.
Smart Key Unit Inspection
Smart Key Unit
Refer to Smart key System - "Smart key Diagnostic"
Smart Key Switch
Refer to Smart key System - "Smart key D ...
Dynamic Damper Installation
Apply soap powder on the shaft to prevent being damaged between
the shaft spline and the dynamic damper.
Install the dynamic damper.
Alternator Removal
Disconnect the battery negative (-) cable.
Remove the drive belt.
(Refer to Engine Mechanical System - "Timing Chain")