EPS (Electronic power steering, Column assist type) system uses an electric
motor to assist the steering force and it is an engine operation independent
steering system.
EPS control modu ...
Oil Pump Components
1. Inner roter
2. Outer roter
3. Oil pump cover
4. Relief plunger
5. Relief spring
6. Relief plug
7. O-ring (suction side)
8. O-ring (discharge side)
35R Clutch Control Solenoid Valve(35R/C_VFS) Specifications
Direct control VFS[35R/C]
▷ Control type : Normal high type
Control Pressure kpa (kgf/cm², psi)
500.14 ~ 9.81 (5.1 ~ 0.1,72.54 ~ 1.42)
Current value(mA)